
Our China Desk team is composed of highly skilled, multi-disciplinary and multi-lingual legal professionals. It has extensive expertise in company law, international business law, contract law, competition law and intellectual property law, on which it relies to advise Chinese investors, whether large groups or SMEs, on implementing their projects in a wide range of sectors, such as the automotive, aviation, large-scale distribution, energy, construction and pharmaceutical sectors, among others.

Thanks to our thorough knowledge of these different sectors, as well as the Chinese economic system, we have built privileged and long-standing relationships with many Chinese institutions and authorities. Furthermore, our offices based in different continents also contribute the knowledge of their home markets.

Our China Desk is a key partner for all Chinese companies in need of legal advice on various industrial and commercial projects abroad.


Fully aware of the increasing need for assistance and legal representation in the emerging Indian market, and in order to anticipate our clients’ strategies, we consolidated our expertise and presence in Asia by setting up our India Desk in 2007.

The India Desk is composed of specialised lawyers and legal practitioners dedicated to assisting French and foreign companies with their investment and development projects in India.

Our experience in the country has enabled us to, over more than 10 years, advise a large number of clients, including large industrial companies that are leaders in their sectors, as well as financial institutions and innovative small and medium-sized companies.

In accordance with the 1961 Indian Advocates Act, our Desk works in India through a network of non-exclusive local partners selected on the basis of their skills and thorough understanding of the issues surrounding foreign investments, under the instruction and supervision of the India Desk teams.

The India Desk relies on a solid network in India as well and across the world and is therefore able to support foreign companies at all stages of their projects in India, while providing them with the best possible legal expertise.


Through our presence in Asia since 1986 we are well placed to assist our clients on the emerging and promising Indonesian market. Anticipating our clients’ strategies in the region, the Desk was established in 2016 in order to provide them with the necessary legal assistance and representation in an evolving and frequently uncertain legal environment.

Our Indonesia Desk relies on a strong partnership with one of the leading law firm in the country for many years, namely the Indonesian firm Armand Yapsunto Muharamsyah & Partners. Composed of specialised lawyers and legal professionals, the firm has extensive expertise in corporate law, company law, mergers and acquisitions, foreign investment law, banking and finance law, property law, infrastructure and PPP law, energy and transport law and environmental law.

Our experience in the country has enabled us to advise a large number of clients, including large industrial companies that are leaders in their sectors, as well as service providers, financial institutions, and innovative small and medium companies wishing to do business in the Indonesian Archipelago.


Our Japan Desk is made up of specialists with long-standing experience in Franco-Japanese business relations. It advises the largest Japanese groups, industrial and financial enterprises and SMEs involved in all sectors of the economy, including the industrial, health, automotive, aviation, logistics, agribusiness, fashion, distribution and internet sectors.

The Desk also advises European clients wishing to establish a presence in Japan, working in close collaboration with several Japanese law firms.

Our Japan Desk works in a cross-functional manner that is completely integrated with the various departments of the firm and teams are formed for each individual matter, based on the legal context and the needs of the client.

Our Desk also offers Japanese companies that already have an international presence or wish to develop internationally the services provided by the relevant DS offices in different countries.