Raphaël Romi

in Counsel

Oficina(s) :


Bar(s) : Paris


Raphaël Romi holds a degree in public law. He is a former dean of the law faculty of Nantes, and heads one of the few sustainable development and environmental law master’s courses. He is ad personam Chair of European environmental law and has published several renowned textbooks in public economic law and environmental law.

He has extensive expertise in the renewable energies, biological diversity and sustainable development sectors and in the field of social and solidarity economy.

Raphaël was counsel in the Erika and Xynthia affairs; he has managed French and European litigations related to species management, has contributed to the establishment of public local regional enterprises and to legal and regulatory tracts on climate change.

He has extensive experience as an elected representative, and in particular he advises local authorities, local public establishments, as well as associations and companies on structuring and innovative and experimental contracts.

  • Agrégation de Droit public – 1990
  • Doctorat d’État en Sciences politiques – 1981
  • Doctorat de 3ème cycle en Droit public – 1978
  • DEA de Sciences politiques
  • DEA de Droit public
  • French
  • English
  • Spanish
  • Legal 500 – Environment (Band 1)
  • Legal 500 – Energy (Band 3)
  • Best Lawyers – Environment (Law Firm of the Year)
  • Palmarès du Droit – Environment – Gold Award
  • Le Point – Environment (5 stars)
  • Chambers & Partners – Environment (Band 2)

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