Jorge García Nielsen


Oficina(s) :



Partner in charge of the environmental area of DS Chile. Lawyer with a high level of experience in strategic management of projects and trials, oriented to the prevention and resolution of conflicts in environmental and administrative matters. He stands out for his deep knowledge of technical and legal matters, a high degree of relational skills and management of inter-disciplinary teams, as well as for his negotiating and litigation skills.

He has advised public and private projects, and defended communities in various matters, such as: evaluation and environmental enforcement in technical, administrative and criminal aspects; sectoral permits; and multiple consultancies in forestry, water, sanitary, agro-industrial, mining, and energy issues.

He is currently a collaborating professor in the Master's Program in Environmental Law at the Universidad del Desarrollo in Chile.

  • Universidad Católica, Santiago, Chile
  • Máster en Ciencias Ambientales (c), avanzados en Hidrología, Biodiversidad, y Evaluación Ambiental. Universidad de Colonia, Alemania (2016-2018).
  • Máster en Derecho de los Sectores Regulados, Mención Energía, Aguas y Medio Ambiente. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, España (2015-2016).
  • Postítulo en Evaluación Ambiental de Proyectos y Derecho Ambiental. Universidad Finis Terrae, Chile (2012).
  • Diplomado en Derecho de los Recursos Naturales y Energía Universidad Católica de Chile (2011)
  • Spanish
  • English
  • German
  • Recognized by Legal 500 in environmental matters (Band 3) during 2015, being the youngest outstanding lawyer in this category.
  • Recognized by El Mecurio Revista del Campo in environmental matters during 2015, as the best environmental lawyer in the agricultural and agro-industrial sector.

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