Nathaly J. Vermette

Avocate , agente de marques de commerce

Bureau(x) :


Barreau(x) : 1994


Nathaly J. Vermette est une avocate et agent de marque de commerce qui pratique en matière de droit des affaires et plus particulièrement le domaine du droit de la propriété intellectuelle au bureau de Montréal de DS Avocats.

Elle aide ses clients canadiens et internationaux voulant acquérir, protéger et monétiser leurs droits relativement à la propriété intellectuelle.  Elle les accompagne dans l’enregistrement et la protection de droits de propriété et dans l’élaboration et la mise en œuvre de divers types de contrats commerciaux, tels que des contrats de franchises, de licences, de transfert de technologie et de distribution.

Son expertise a d’ailleurs été soulignée par l’enseignement qu’elle fait à l’École des études permanentes de l’Université McGill où elle donne le cours de « Propriété intellectuelle et gestion des contrats ».

Avant de se joindre è DS Avocats, elle a complété ses études en droit à l’Université de Montréal où elle a complété un Baccalauréat et une maitrise en droit.


August 8th, 2008 American Bar Association Annual Meeting, New York City, New York.  Organization, coordination and moderating of a CLE program entitled Ordering liberty in an international economy at the New York Sheraton, featuring the Honourable Mr. Justice Ian Binnie, Canadian Supreme Court Justice, the Honourable Mr. Justice Robert Nugent, South African Supreme Court of Appeal, Professor Thomas Schoenbaum, and Mr. John Brosnan.

August 10, 2008, Secured the participation of and introduced the Honourable Mr. Justice Ian Binnie, Canadian Supreme Court Justice before address at the ABA TIPS 75th anniversary dinner held at the United Nations delegates dinning room in New York City.  Subject matter:  Civil liberties and counter-terrorism.

November 9th and 10th 2007: The Animals and Bioengineering: A Consideration of Law, Ethics and Science conference, held at the Duke University School of Law and co-sponsored by The American Bar Association Tort Trial & Insurance Practice Section Animal Law, the Media, Privacy and Defamation and the Intellectual Property Committees together with the ABA Section Of Science And Technology Law.  Secured the participation of and introduced the Honourable Mr. Justice Michel Bastarache, Canadian Supreme Court Justice.

August 9th to 13th, 2007: American Bar Association Annual Meeting held at San Francisco, California.   Organization and coordination of a CLE program entitled: Intellectual Property Insurance Coverage: How to Get it; How to Keep It!

August 2006: American Bar Association Annual Meeting held at Honolulu, Hawaii.  Organization and coordination of a CLE program entitled: Keep it Secret, Keep it Safe: Protecting Intellectual Property and Trade Secrets.

Service de la formation permanente du Barreau du Québec, Développements récents en droit de la propriété intellectuelle, November 14, 2003, Intercontinental Hotel, Montreal.  Subject:  Domain Names.

Federation of Insurance and Corporate Counsel (F.I.C.C.) Annual Conference held from July 21st to 28th, 2001 at the Grosvenor House, London, England.  Subject:  Napster and Copyright.

Federation of Insurance and Corporate Counsel (F.I.C.C.) Annual Conference held from July 23rd to 29th, 2000 at the Silverado Resort, Napa Valley, California.  Subject:  Domain Names in the Realm of Trademark Law.

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation’s (CBC) French program, “Branché” 1999 television interview.  Subject:  Cybersquatting.

The second “Manifestation Internationale Vidéo et Art” held September 18th to 22nd, 1995 at Montreal, Quebec.  Subject:  Internet, the role of video distributors and the legal protection of art.

The 4th Business and Professional Women’s Annual International Conference held April 1st and 2nd, 1995 at Le Nouvel Hotel, Montreal.  Subject:  Internet and the Law.

FOU-ART held June 12, 1994 at L’Union Française, Montreal.  Subject:  Virtual Reality and Copyright Issues.


VERMETTE, Nathaly J., Apps for Aging Lawyers: Prostheses for the Mind?, ABA, Solo, Small Firm & General   Practice Division, GPSolo, Summer 2013, Vol. 30, No.4.

VERMETTE, Nathaly J. and Juan Alberto DIAZ-WIECHERS, Believe it or not, Plant Breeders Have Rights Too, ABA, TIPS, TortSource, Winter 2011, Vol. 13, No.2.

MANOLIS, F. Mikis, Nathaly J. VERMETTE and Robert J. Hugerford, The Doctrine of Forum NonConveniens: Canada and the United States Compared, 60 Fed’n Def. & Corp. Couns. Q.3 (2009), 3.

VERMETTE, Nathaly J. An Introduction to The Honourable Justice Ian Binnie’s Article (Legal Redress for Corporate Participation in International Human Rights Abuses: A Progress Report), ABA, TIPS, The Brief, Summer 2009 Vol. 38 No. 4.

VERMETTE, Nathaly J., An Introduction To The Honourable Justice Michel Bastarache’s Article (The patenting of living matter as seen by the Supreme Court of Canada), ABA, TIPS, Animal Law Committee Newsletter, Spring 2008.

BROUILLETTE, Robert and Nathaly J. VERMETTE, Establishing And Controlling Intellectual Property Royalties, ABA, TIPS, Intellectual Property Committee Newsletter, Winter 2008.

VERMETTE, Nathaly J., Trademark and Reverse Trademark Hijacking in The Global Market Place – A Canadian Perspective, ABA, TIPS, Intellectual Property Committee Newsletter, Spring 2005.

VERMETTE, Nathaly J., Les noms de domaines, Développements récents en droit de la propriété intellectuelle (2003), Vol. 197, 143.

VERMETTE, Nathaly J., Domain Names in the Realm of Trademark Law, 60 R. du B., 149; 51 F.I.C.C. Quarterly, 1.

VERMETTE, Nathaly J., L’Origine du droit canadien des marques de commerce, 14 C.P.I. 431.

  • Barreau du Québec.  Membre depuis 1994;
  • Gouverneur de la Fondation du Barreau du Québec depuis 2011
  • American Bar Association, Tort Trial & Insurance Practice Section (TIPS) and Intellectual Property Section. 2004-2005: Newsletter Editor, and Web-Site coordinator: 2005-2006: TIPS Intellectual Property Committee Chair-elect; 2006-2007 and 2007-2009: TIPS Intellectual Property Committee Chair; 2008-2010; Chair of Distance Learning Committee; 2007-2010: Member of the Continued Legal Education (CLE) Board; 2010-2011: Co-chair of the 2011 ABA Annual Meeting Arrangements in Toronto; 2011-2012: Orientation Chair & Member of the Scope & Correlation Committee; TIPS Fellow; Elected to ABA TIPS Council Member for Bar years 2012-2015;  Federation of Defense & Corporate Counsel (FDCC).
  • International Trademark Association (INTA) – Member of the Anti-Counterfeiting Committee et le Emerging Issues Committee.

Barreau du Québec.  Membre depuis 1994;

  • Français
  • Anglais

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