Alberto Navarro


Office(s) :

Buenos Aires

Bar(s) : Public Bar Association of the Federal Capital in Argentina


Alberto Navarro (b. Montevideo, 1961) is Buenos Aires based DS Navarro Castex founding partner ( His area of expertise is Corporate Finance, M&A, VC and Closely Held, Family-owned companies. With both Uruguayan and Argentine citizenship, Mr. Navarro is also admitted into practice in Uruguay where his Firm counts with an office covering international clients’ needs, mainly in the cities of Montevideo and Punta del Este.

Mr. Navarro graduated as a lawyer from Universidad de la República, Montevideo, and was admitted into practice in Uruguay (1985) and Argentina (1988), respectively. He also holds an MBA degree from IAE Business School (Buenos Aires, 1987) and a Master in Laws (LLM) from Harvard Law School (Cambridge, Mass., 1989).

Among other professional activities, between 1990 and 1996, Mr. Navarro served as in-house counsel for Cargill –US leading commodity trader, and then as internal counsel / general counsel of Acindar -Argentine major non-flat Argentine steel producer (currently Arcelor Mittal Group). In 1996 he set up his own legal practice until today.  

Among his academic curricula, Mr. Navarro founded the Legal Issues in Doing Business area at IAE (1992), where he was a part-time Professor at said business school management programs until 2009. Also, and for the past 25 years he has been visiting professor at several, local and international, universities and academies (i.e. Universidad de San Andrés , Universidad Di Tella, UCA and UBA, in Buenos Aires; Instituto de Empresas (IE), Madrid; Queen Mary Law School, at both London and Paris branches), as well as actively participated in several international panels and fora, mostly at the International Bar Association (IBA), the American Bar Association (ABA), the New York State Bar Association (NYSBA), the Association Internationale de Jeunes Avocats (AIJA), the Union Internationale des Avocats (UIA), and Vistage, in most of which he presented papers and acted either as panellist or panel chair for approximately 25 years.

Since 1998, and among other prestigious affiliations, Mr. Navarro has been an active member of the IBA, and as such he served as Chair of its Closely Held and Growing Business Enterprises Committee (Legal Practice Division, 2008-2009), Chair of its Professional Ethics Committee (PPID/SPPI, 2015-2016), IBA Council Member on behalf of Colegio Público de Abogados de la Capital Federal, Argentina (2012-2022), and Officer of the Bar Issues Commission (BIC; 2017-Dec. 31, 2022).

Mr. Navarro is fluent in Spanish, English and French and also manages basic skills on Italian and Portuguese.

International social memberships: Harvard Club of NYC; Cercle de L’ Union Interalliée, Paris.

More information about DS Navarro Castex: Click here.





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