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Mehdi MOUNIR, lawyer, has extensive expertise in real estate and criminal business law. He currently works in the Urban Strategies division of the Real Estate department, applying his in-depth knowledge to meet the specific needs of public-sector clients.
His area of expertise covers a variety of operations linked to land development in the public interest, including the amicable or compulsory acquisition of real estate (including setting compensation, commercial eviction, urban pre-emption rights, and rental issues). He is also involved in projects for the creation of transport facilities, ZACs and land reserves.
He also has significant experience with the 15th Correctional Chamber of Nanterre, a chamber specializing in economic and financial offenses, as well as experience in rental litigation (residential and commercial leases). He has developed a rigorous and efficient work methodology, based on an in-depth understanding of the issues at stake.
This diversity of expertise enables him to take a comprehensive approach to each case and provide full support.