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Patricia Jeannin advises employers on managing their day-to-day individual and collective labour relations, including on internal regulations, collective negotiations, relations with staff representatives and trade unions, electoral processes, collective disputes, etc.
She also advises on the employment aspects of company restructurings, in particular on the impact on employment contracts, staff representative bodies and collective agreements. She therefore also assists with strategic aspects of projects. Patricia advises employers on the secure implementation of individual and collective terminations on economic grounds.
In addition to her non-contentious practice, she defends employers’ interests before various labour courts. Patricia has also developed significant expertise in advising non-profit organisations and their managers on their specific employment issues, as well as on their governance rules.
Suite à la loi n°2020-290 du 23 mars 2020 d’urgence pour faire face à l’épidémie de Covid-19, le…
Alors que le Gouvernement indiquait initialement que le coronavirus constituait une circonstance de caractère exceptionnel permettant aux entreprises…