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Agribusiness, Agriculture and Viticulture

The agribusiness sector, together with all related industries, is affected by profound changes due to globalisation and increasing concerns over health. These changes lead to uncertainty for all those involved in the sector, whether at primary level (production) or secondary level (transformation - food processing).

In order to respond to this uncertainty, we have set up a multi-disciplinary team that understands the challenges faced by our clients in the sector, as well as its complex legislative and regulatory framework.

We assist producers and their economic partners (seed and other suppliers, cooperatives, industrial companies, traders) and industry organisations (trade unions, producer organisations, inter-professional organisations) with all their questions related to the following:

- Legal advice :
  • Negotiations ;
  • Contract drafting and revision ;
  • Relations with authorities.
- Litigation :
  • French criminal, civil and commercial law; injunctions and compensation; assistance with insolvency proceedings ;
  • Appearances before the CJEU or other international courts.
- Administrative litigation :
  • Recourse against administrative sanctions following audits.
- Arbitration before specialised chambers.

The dedicated DS Avocats team also has recognised expertise in advising international clients as well as small and medium companies in the sector on their development projects, including:

  • Acquisitions and transfers ;
  • Indirect taxation and customs ;
  • Contract and commercial law ;
  • Land planning and environmental concerns ;
  • Financial structures ;
  • Etc.

Agricultural and fishing industry

Our team advises operators in the agricultural and fishing industry, as well as other market participants on navigating French and international regulations.

Our expertise also extends to the life of the products themselves, as well as to the economic cycle they follow from the design stage to the final consumption stage.


Our teams are committed to providing comprehensive assistance and the most appropriate solutions to the specific issues that affect the wine and spirits sector, and to challenges related to the following :

  • The sale, purchase and transfer of wine estates ;
  • Real estate investment transactions ;
  • Tax consolidation; the wine and spirits trade ;
  • Customs regulations, excise duty, indirect taxation ;
  • National and international commercial litigation ;
  • Rural law; counterfeit ;
  • Rnvironmental impact ;
  • Certification of origin (appellation d'origine contrôlée, etc.)
  • Etc.
Jean-Marie Salva

Of Counsel

Paris Brussels
Seynabou Kandji



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