Arnaud Langlais


Oficina(s) :


Bar(s) : Paris


Arnaud Langlais has advised on M&A, private equity, and corporate law and has been involved in more than a hundred transactions and strategic operations for private and public entities: shareholder relations, joint ventures, acquisitions, and majority or minority stakes. Within the firm, he is also in charge of the corporate real estate practice and a founding member of We Law You, DS Avocats' program for start-ups.
Arnaud Langlais is also a regular contributor to the press.His experience with both private and public companies has led him to develop a particular expertise in companies owned by public companies: governance, and obligations towards supervisory authorities. He is involved in all types of acquisitions, majority or minority shareholdings, and joint ventures.

  • College of Law, London, European Young Lawyers Scheme, 1998
  • Bar Exam (CAPA), 1997
  • Master’s (DEA) in Corporate and Economic Law, Paris I, 1995
  • French
  • English
  • Le Point – Corporate Law (4 stars)
  • IFLR 1000 – Corporate Law – Private Equity (Tier 5)
  • IFLR 1000 – Corporate Law – M&A (Other Notable)
  • Décideurs – Private Equity – Development capital transactions (Band 4 – Recommended)
  • Décideurs – Private Equity – LBO lower mid & small-cap transactions (Band 4 – Recommended)
  • Décideurs –  Private Equity – Rated Reputable Practice – Venture capital transactions (Band 4 – Recommended)
  • Décideurs – Mergers & Acquisitions – Transactions up to €75M (Band 2 – Excellent)
  • Option Droit & Affaires – Mergers & Acquisitions where the majority of transactions are below €200 million (Band 2)
  • Option Droit & Affaires – Development capital and LBOs with a majority of transactions under €50 million (Band 3)
  • Option Droit & Affaires – Law firms specialized in innovation capital (Band 4)
  • Option Droit & Affaires – Law firms specialized in fund structuring (Band 5)
  • Option Droit & Affaires – Rated 3 stars – M&A (under 300 million euros)

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