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With 35 years’ experience leading his own firm, Jean-Paul Montenot’s practice now focuses on the free movement of goods within the European Union and European regulation of regulated products and the transportation of goods.
He advises on competition law (the marketing of fresh products), consumer and fraud prevention law, European law (free movement), public law (markets of national interest (marchés d'intérêt national) and state liability), arbitration law (chamber of arbitration), European law and preliminary questions before the CJEU raised before the national courts (parallel imports) and state defaults.
The above areas are almost always linked to the marketing of fresh products at every stage of the process, from seed to consumer labeling via commercial websites.
Jean-Paul is a member of the French Association for Rural Law (AFDR) and has advised professional federations and their members (UNCGFL, FEDEPOM, UNIGROS, Coordination Rurale) on both their daily operations as well as on collective disputes, such as compensation for the state’s failure to comply with the provisions of EU treaties, or state non-compliance (such as farmer’s protests, truck driver strikes) and other issues faced by their members. He has also been involved in redrafting codes of practice, such as RUCIP and COFREUROP.